Plan F
Plan F is SAW Video's six month series aimed at supporting womxn and their allies in celebrating and creating our collective future within the video and media art industry. The series will feature action-oriented workshops, talks and screenings that are intended to build skills, expand experience, broaden knowledge, and increase and sustain womxn's representation and influence within the industry.
Plan F is an opportunity for us to celebrate one another, learn, have fun, take up space and work together to knock down barriers to womxn's full participation in media arts. Find out more about Plan F’s events, here. Let's plan for our feminist future!
Activist Tool-kit (Download)
At Plan F's, Remembering the Future: An Indigenous Feminism Strategy, we discussed the sustainability of activism, advocacy and the unrelenting austerity against Indigenous peoples in Canada and more specifically within our arts and culture industries. During our discussion we identified how we can continue to thoughtfully support Indigenous artists by continuing to work to advocate for programs like the Indigenous Culture Fund.
Activist burnout is real and in an attempt to make this important work as easy to navigate as possible we have provided access to a compiled Activist Tool-kit provided by the ACC, MANO, Aylan Couchie and collaborators. The Activist Tool-kit includes information on the cuts to the Indigenous Culture Fund, petitions, email and letter templates, speaking notes for your use and contact details for local MPPs.
Night School
SAW Video’s Night School is an annual, bi-monthly, free, series of lectures designed to provide the basic fundamentals of media arts, theories and current works of significance and interest. We want to demystify this constantly evolving form of ours. Night School is tuition free for SAW Video members and members of the arts community at large because we believe knowledge should be shared without financial barriers.
You are eligible to attend these lectures if you are: a SAW Video member, professional artist, creator, arts/cultural worker, looking to experiment in a new discipline, admirer & or advocate for video and media arts. Attendance at every lecture is not necessary but recommended for a well rounded education! Register for the next Night School, here.