
Submit a Video

Producing members of SAW Video in good standing may submit video works to the Mediatheque at any time, free of charge. A producing membership is a requirement only at the time of submission; all video works will remain in the archive regardless of the artist’s future membership status with SAW Video. Each producing member may submit up to three works per year.


Submission requirements

• A film or video work in digital format

            Click here for specifics on digital files.

• A still image from the film or video work (JPEG: 720 x 480)

            Please e-mail the image to the centre’s technical coordinator with your

            name and the title of your video in the body of the subject line.

• A completed Submission Form

The submission form may be completed in English or French. Bilingual submissions are encouraged.

• A signed contract

Download an Artist Contract or pick one up in person at SAW Video.

Questions? Please contact SAW Video’s technical coordinator at or 613-238-7648.

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