Exhibitions Committee

Anna Queen - A Sense of the Room. Detail (2018). Photo by Mathieu Rioux.

Knot project space is seeking individuals currently living in Ottawa to join its Exhibitions Committee. Committee members should have experience or interest in programming media arts specifically for an exhibition context, have knowledge of contemporary media art or experimental moving image practices, and be able to work constructively in a group setting. Members of the Exhibitions Committee will assist SAW Video’s Programming Director with assessing Knot project space’s annual Call for Exhibition Proposals, the results of which contribute to the our yearly programming schedule. Committee members may also be involved with the creation and development of exhibition themes through group discussion and research.

Meetings will take place roughly four times a year. Members of the Exhibitions Committee will be ineligible to apply to Knot project space’s Call for Exhibition Proposals. You do not need to be a member of SAW Video to join the Exhibitions Committee.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Exhibitions Committee, please email Neven Lochhead at programming@sawvideo.com with a brief letter expressing your interest and outlining any relevant experience.