SAW Video and Knot Project Space are thrilled to produce and present an exhibition by Ottawa/Edinburgh based collective, the Confraternity of Neoflagellants - the first in a series of Fall/Winter 2019 programs looking at relationships between exhibition-making, publication, fiction and vocality. þ??-þ?? unfolds within the black box of Knot Project Space as a labyrinth of videos, sounds, texts and objects - reactive ingredients that heat, bubble and boil-over in the cooking-up of a World™. The Confraternity's book of the same name provides the recipe for these ongoing culinary collisions, with the exhibition continuously re-constructing itself as a site in which the book's contents are not only rendered spatial and inhabited, but where its systems become an active lens - one through which to © beyond its own vertiginous edge.
In relation to this exhibition, Knot Project Space will present a micro-library on site featuring a selection of publications from Punctum Books, who will be publishing the Confraternity of Neoflagellants forthcoming book þan-þan, and who published previously their 2013 saga thN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns.
Related Programming
Opening Weekend + Micro-Library Launch
October 19th + 20th
Open: 12pm-5pm
Talk | Norman Hogg + Neil Mulholland
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Workshop | Shift/Work, led by Neil Muholland
November 9th
‘You do not interpret the [*--*]. You are [*--*].’ The Duke of Biarritz Malware Voices: 13.1
Culture lives here? Gyeah?
Taped together only by the blak and blo brocages of blasfeme secreted by two sandgrabbers who accrued and thickened your presence over time? Can’t justify the how-low-can-you-go MHz of those Seinheiser HD800 EVP collect calls? Feel an overriding sense of ennui languidly inhazing to-tal-ly Bogan seul-anise ‘Hot Box Menace’? Stubbornly inert heaps of no-flow interference merely placating the micro-movements of bolt-on contentworld? ©king a little more than 99.07% blobbogramatic matters of actual gästermagoria?
Citesein o’ Metro Kingdom! Blow off all your fun socks. Just PUSH! Wel-bigoon ingestees make fierce pH and totally gutshaft straight through gelatinous copper. MHzzzzzzzzzzzzzah! Lose your unknown cargo unto the swirling quotidian-circuits that peristaltically convulse the gastro-investigative wambuterus of þan-þan.
þan-þan. Unpasturised horse-class autogenerative REXLLA Plusigone [STATIC] fermented Can-Con dolloromoburþing a relentless low-end patina of vagrant WeRLtd-certified New Forrest Mall mondegreen. þan-þan. Pressure-farmed parasitical panarchic pool of future-dead mould-casts, auditory pareidolia divination, defibrillated [userexperience] and compurgation swarms topped with a steamin’ hot speziality SCOBYGrandeu®.
PUSHH! Beaver-gutslammin’ Oh [UX] Henry! vending phenomenon that faithfully reconstruct all traces of deuterocanonical clickbait ever left in mash amidst mortrewes of birth-basket by runkylled prongs. PUSSSHHHHH! Bloody-edge WrinkleTech™ Can-Crock Pots that blammanger a donk on all ylemmy stick-craft memes and smash the basal buttons of even the grubbiest gossamer silicate dermis. Gyeah!
REDUCE! Engorge the inevitable reversibility of this spore-bearing crescendo by playing the sous-chef vainly attempting to remove the cous from the cous-cous. REDUCE! Redemption by re-viewing review of redemption of Amazon CAD$50 Gift Voucher Redemption Review.
Culture lives; here! gYEAHHHHHHH!!
Confraternity of Neoflagellants was founded in 2009 by Serjeant-At-Law Norman Hogg and joined by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland. The 12thAnimal, Neven Lochhead, was summoned for their 2019 þan-þan exhibition as its nascency proctor. It is a secular and equal opportunities confraternity bound by chirograph. @neoflagellants is constituted of lay actants dedicated to the ludic, ascetic, aesthetic and athletic treatment and dissemination of neomedievalisms.
Confraternity of Neoflagellants is an avatar for nonmodern world-building, a neomedieval theory-fictioning gaster-machine, a GAN-oracle of the not-yet-MHz. As a world-building electrostatic-#gut relic-ing technology, @neoflagellants patent pending nonmodern fictioning combines with mythopoesis: how premodern existences might be utilized against the impasses of hastily prescribed futures.
Punctum Books, originally founded in Brooklyn, New York in 2011, and with editorial offices in Santa Barbara (USA) and The Hague (Netherlands), is an independent, not-for-profit, public benefit, 501(c)(3) corporation (application pending) registered in Santa Barbara, California. We are an open-access publisher dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry and writing across a whimsical para-humanities assemblage (in which assemblage you will find humanists keeping rowdy and thought-provoking company with social scientists, scientists, multi/media specialists, artists, architects, and designers). We have a special fondness for neo-traditional and unconventional scholarly work that productively twists and/or ignores academic norms, with a special emphasis on books that fall length-wise between the article and the monograph—id est, novellas, in one sense or another. We also take in strays of any variety. This is a space for the imp-orphans of your thought and pen, an ale-serving church for little vagabonds.
The word ‘punctum’ is intended to summon and ignite several registers of discourse and address. First, in the sense of the punctures made by the pointed awls or spikes used to rule or ‘prick’ the vellum pages of premodern manuscripts and thereby unfurl the blank lines of writing (and thinking), punctum medievally invokes the founding of textual work upon perverse and paradoxical openings. Punctum Books seeks to curate the open spaces of writing or writing-as-opening, the crucial tiny portals on whose capacious thresholds all writing properly and improperly takes place. Pricking, puncturing, perforating = publishing in the mode of an unconditional hospitality and friendship, making space for what Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick called “queer little gods” – the “ontologically intermediate and teratological figures” of y/our thought.