Intra-uterine images of a fetus alternate with close-ups of an infant sucking her mother’s breast in a simple video whose unique strength lies in its daring to venture into socially-repressed, barely imaginable, yet fully experienced territory. The regular, soothing sound of breathing acts as a unifying background to the unfolding of an unheard narrative, as one woman’s relationship with her infant daughter, their special intimacy, complete abandon, and co-dependence are extracted from the grasp of mere “biology” and launched into the sphere of love and desire. Langill ventures where few have dared, and offers a unique gift: a refreshingly uninhibited story of intimacy, desire and love.

Caroline Langill
City, Province
Peterborough, ON

Caroline Langill is a transdisciplinary artist who oscillates between installation, individual media works, and writing. She continues to investigate issues related to gender, intimacy, and technology, particularly as these concerns dovetail with scientific thought. As well as teaching part-time at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Integrated Media, she is currently producing "Carbon Copy", a series of works which investigate the paradox of rural life and biotechnology.

Year Produced