Automated (some also call it Automatic) Dialogue Replacement is a relatively common process in film-making where actors re-record their dialogue in a studio after the location filming has finished, to match new recordings of their dialogue to the images that were shot in production.


In previous articles, we spoke of various perspectives on volume and dynamics, including measuring sound levels and loudness, and dynamic range.  This article will focus on controlling sound levels through using tools for controlling volume, the dynamics processors that you might find in your audio or video editing software.

Resources to Develop Your Media Production and Visual Art Skills

It is always a perfect time to look for free tools to develop your skills and elevate your artistic practice.  Here are a few resources that can help you explore new perspectives, techniques, and approaches to video art and cinematography:

New York’s Museum of Modern Art is currently offering free visual art courses through Coursera:


COVID 19 Notice

Please note: 

Due to the ongoing health risks associated with COVID 19, our doors are closed until further notice. Our equipment, edit suite and facility rental programs are also suspended. We will not be taking any rental bookings for the foreseeable future. For now, we are airing on the side of caution and doing everything we can to protect our staff and members.